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Code d'Examen: 000-G01
Nom d'Examen: IBM (IBM EMEA Maintenance and Technical Support Mastery Test v1)
Questions et réponses: 140 Q&As
Le Certificat de IBM 000-G01 peut vous aider à monter un autre degré de votre carrière, même que votre niveau de vie sera amélioré. Avoir un Certificat IBM 000-G01, c'est-à-dire avoir une grande fortune. Le Certificat IBM 000-G01 peut bien tester des connaissances professionnelles IT. La Q&A IBM 000-G01 plus nouvelle vient de sortir qui peut vous aider à faciilter le cours de test préparation. Notre Q&A comprend les meilleurs exercices, test simulation et les réponses.
Pass4Test vous permet à réussir le test Certification sans beaucoup d'argents et de temps dépensés. La Q&A IBM 000-G01 est recherchée par Pass4Test selon les résumés de test réel auparavant, laquelle est bien liée avec le test réel.
000-G01 Démo gratuit à télécharger:
NO.1 What are the factors to calculate the benefit of a reduced outage duration?
A. "Monthly value of a project", "Hourly resource cost", "Number of outages impacted"
B. "Hourly Outage Cost", "Reduced Outage Time", "Number of outages impacted"
C. "Hourly Outage Cost", "Reduced Outage Time", "Monthly value of a project"
D. "Hourly resource cost", "Reduced Outage Time", "Number of outages impacted"
Answer: B
IBM 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01 examen
NO.2 What distinguishes ServicePac Essentials from other ServicePac's?
A. Support for multiple machines is combined in ServicePac Essentials and Virtualized Essentials
B. ServicePac Essentials combine several service offerings into one ServicePac
C. In addition to maintenance ServicePac Essentials commit IBM to perform a service within a given time
D. They offer only essential Maintenance, nothing else
Answer: B
certification IBM 000-G01 000-G01
NO.3 What does the abbreviation SWMA stand for?
A. It stands for Software Marketing
B. It means Software Maintenance
C. It is the acronym for Skills With Most Acceptance
D. It stands for Swap Mail
Answer: B
IBM 000-G01 000-G01
NO.4 What is the objective of the Explore phase (ERIC Questioning Framework)?
A. Understand the priorities of the client
B. Understand the linkage between the IT and the business
C. Uncover and expand topics of interest
D. All of the above
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 examen 000-G01 certification 000-G01
NO.5 What is a CRU?
A. A part that is designed to be safe and simple to replace
B. Circuit Resistor Union
C. Customer Replaceable Unit
D. A and C
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 certification 000-G01 certification 000-G01 000-G01 examen
NO.6 What are some of the highlights of the IBM MTSS solution?
A. Alleviates the management burden on IT and is helping to free up resources for more strategic tasks
B. IBM provides inventory, reporting and invoice management
C. Provides a comprehensive IT management solution for the client's whole IT infrastructure
D. All of the above
Answer: D
IBM certification 000-G01 000-G01 certification 000-G01 certification 000-G01 000-G01
NO.7 The prerequisite for every sale is?
A. The customer must have a business need for the service
B. The customer must know that they have that need
C. The customer must feel that addressing that need is a priority
D. All of the above
Answer: D
certification IBM 000-G01 000-G01
NO.8 What does the abbreviation "ERIC" stand for?
A. Error Recovery Interface Coupler
B. Empathy, Read between the lines, Intelligent Questioning, Control
C. Emotion, Refine, Integrate, Collaborate
D. Explore, Refine, Influence and Confirm
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 examen 000-G01 examen 000-G01
NO.9 What two Premium Maintenance Services offerings are offered ideally on top of a Base Maintenance
A. SupportLine and Microcode Support
B. ServicePac and Harddrive Retention
C. Software Support Extension and SupportLine
D. Service Upgrade and Committed Services
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 000-G01
NO.10 How does MTS deliver its value in reducing the outage duration?
A. Highly trained hardware service reps (SSRs) to handle the client's call
B. Dedicated team of professionals who know the client's environment
C. Experience in managing complex problems - particularly multi vendor
D. All of the above
Answer: D
IBM examen certification 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01
NO.11 How does MTS deliver its value in Outage Prevention?
A. Proactive hardware services, "client-advocate" services, Harddrive Retention
B. Proactive hardware services, "client-advocate" services, access to information across multiple vendors
C. Proactive hardware services, ServicePac services, access to information across multiple vendors
D. Hardware Service Upgrade, "client-advocate" services, access to information across multiple vendors
Answer: B
certification IBM certification 000-G01 000-G01 examen certification 000-G01
NO.12 Which of the answer(s) is(are) among the ETS Service Elements?
A. Remote Account Advocate Team, Review Calls
B. Performance tuning Service
C. Microcode change offering, Onsite Account Advocate (option)
D. Critical Situation management, Fix-time commitment for Software problems
Answer: A
IBM certification 000-G01 000-G01 examen 000-G01 examen 000-G01 certification 000-G01
NO.13 Where is ETS positioned within the MTS offering portfolio?
A. Base Warranty
B. Base Maintenance
C. IBM Committed Services
D. IBM Business Critical Services
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 certification 000-G01 000-G01
NO.14 What is the objective of the Confirm phase (ERIC Questioning Framework)?
A. Leave the specifics of the next call open to have room to add other products
B. Find out if any areas of disagreement exist
C. Explore and reflect on potential MTS solutions
D. Confirm you priorities
Answer: B
IBM 000-G01 certification 000-G01
NO.15 What are the factors used in the algorithm to calculate the benefit of reduced problem-handling
A. "Amount of resource reallocated to strategic project", "Hourly resource cost"
B. "Monthly value of a project", "Hourly resource cost"
C. "Monthly value of a project", "Hourly Outage Cost"
D. "Hourly Outage Cost", "Amount of resource reallocated to strategic project"
Answer: A
IBM 000-G01 certification 000-G01 000-G01 certification 000-G01 000-G01
NO.16 What defines Client Value.?
A. Superior Service
B. Server downtime
C. Business Value, Cost and a client's beliefs and assumptions
D. IBM MTS's unique services, features, and functions
Answer: C
IBM 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01
NO.17 What is the single most important differentiator of the IBM SWMA?
A. The price is very low
B. It covers all software on System x
C. It is Software Support for non-IBM products only
D. It is a bundled offering for Support and Subscription of IBM Software Products
Answer: D
certification IBM 000-G01 000-G01 000-G01 examen 000-G01 examen
NO.18 What are potential proof points for MTS services and references you can use?
A. Describe your proof points and references in general terms
B. General industry stories
C. Understand what is relevant to your client and describe your proof points and references in those terms
D. MTS Product Information - General information on service delivery issues
Answer: C
IBM 000-G01 examen certification 000-G01 000-G01
NO.19 What do you want from call preparation?
A. Identify the desired outcomes for the call
B. Identify next steps
C. Identify how to handle difficult areas
D. All of the above
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 certification 000-G01 certification 000-G01
NO.20 What are the rules for good questioning?
A. Give the customer a lecture about the benefits of MTS
B. Roll multiple questions into one long, rambling question
C. Do not ask reconfirming and clarification questions
D. Keep your questions short and simple
Answer: D
IBM 000-G01 examen 000-G01 examen
Après une longue attente, les documentations de test IBM 000-G01 qui combinent tous les efforts des experts de Pas4Test sont finalement sorties. Les documentations de Pass4Test sont bien répandues pendant les candidats. L'outil de formation est réputée par sa haute précision et grade couverture des questions, d'ailleurs, il est bien proche que test réel. Vous pouvez réussir le test IBM 000-G01 à la première fois.